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Subject Item
n5:United_States_relation clgo:Topic_characterized_as_pseudoscience clgo:Medical-related_conspiracy_theory clgo:Disinformation_operation clgo:Conspiracy_theory_promoted_by_Donald_Trump clgo:Conspiracy_theory_in_China owl:NamedIndividual clgo:2020s_hoax
COVID-19 misinformation
n7:United_States_relations n8:Conspiracy_theories_in_China n9:List_of_conspiracy_theories_promoted_by_Donald_Trump n8:2020s_hoaxes n9:Impact_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic n8:Medical-related_conspiracy_theories n9:Conspiracy_theories_in_United_States_politics n8:Conspiracy_theories_promoted_by_Donald_Trump n9:Conspiracy_theories_in_Turkey n9:List_of_topics_characterized_as_pseudoscience n8:Disinformation_operations
COVID-19 misinformation
Chinese virus 5G wireless COVID-19 misinformation, including a variety of unfounded conspiracy theories, rumors, and overblown claims about vaccine side effects 5G cell phone networks belief that drinking it can kill the virus in the body conspiracies surrounding COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 stolen pathogens COVID-19 vaccine misinformation COVID-19 misinformation#Wuhan lab origin allegations that China engineered COVID-19 conspiracy theorist COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories about the pandemic leaked from a lab in Wuhan misinformation about the virus misinformation about the pandemic COVID-19 misinformation#Patient Zero disinformation regarding COVID-19 COVID-19 and 5G particularly regarding the promoting as a COVID-19 cure COVID-19 conspiracy theories and misinformation conspiracy theory that vaccines contain microchips false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic 5G/COVID-19 conspiracy rise of conspiracy theories falsehoods about the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19 vaccines falsehoods regarding COVID-19 conspiracy theories used during the COVID-19 pandemic misinformation and conspiracy theories false and misleading information infodemic COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility COVID-19 deaths systematically overcounted information Corona deniers disinformation about COVID-19 COVID vaccine misinformation falsely claiming it caused the coronavirus pandemic misinformation about COVID-19 called COVID-19 a hoax COVID-19 conspiracism conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic unevidenced theories about the origins of COVID-19 created in a lab by the U.S. government conspiracy theories about COVID-19 misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines COVID-19 scepticism Scamdemic the conspiracy theory linking 5G to COVID-19 COVID-19 misinformation#\"Casedemic\" misinformation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic \"anti-vax\" rhetoric COVID-19 conspiracy theorists COVID-19 anti-vaccine misinformation false information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic theories of the corona deniers Misinformation circulated promotion of conspiracy theories misinformation and conspiracies COVID-19 denialist COVID-19 disinformation campaign disinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic Antibody-dependent Enhancement engineering the pandemic as a \"hoax\" claimed conspiracy theories surrounding the pandemic bio-weapon origin conspiracy theories COVID COVID-19 denial racist conspiracy theories about COVID-19 misinformation regarding COVID-19 does not exist conspiracy theorists COVID-19 misinformation (ivermectin) false information about COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic call into question established science about COVID-19 misinformation disinformation Misinformation conspiracy theories hoax about the COVID pandemic misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic false information links to gain-of-function research misinformation about coronavirus vaccines COVID-19 misinformation#Misinformation regarding virus origin myths related to the coronavirus COVID-19 conspiracy theories COVID-19 conspiracy conspiracy theories and misinformation misinformation and conspiracy theories about Covid-19 misinformation about the disease COVID-19 was a biological weapon developed by China or North Korea 5G denier of COVID-19 Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic conspiracy theory regarding COVID-19 considered COVID-19 to be a hoax misinformation related to COVID-19 claimed the virus was caused by 5G COVID-19 misinformation#Corona beer misassociation notably misrepresented COVID-19 sceptics various conspiracies about the pandemic false statements about COVID-19 conspiracies false or misleading claims about COVID-19 \"malicious rumour-mongering\" relating to the pandemic sowing confusion in Brazilian society COVID-19 deniers arrested misinformation about the coronavirus being staged Ivermectin conspiracy theory about COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy theories :COVID-19 misinformation COVID-19 misinformation#5G mobile-phone networks