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clgo:Sexual_abuse_cover-up clgo:Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_scandal owl:NamedIndividual
Catholic Church sexual abuse cases
n9:Sexual_abuse_cover-ups n9:Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_scandals n9:Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_scandals_by_country
Catholic Church sexual abuse cases
cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in the Netherlands sex abuse crisis abuse study child sex-abuse scandals clergy sexual abuse scandals Catholic priests molesting children child abuse abuse by Catholic Church members sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church cases of sexual abuse Catholic Church sex abuse scandal child sex abuse by priests abuse Catholic Church's sexual abuse scandals pedophilia within the Church child sexual abuse in the Catholic church sexual abuse within the church clerical sexual abuse in the Catholic Church churches interest in young males child sexual abuse scandals Catholic church sexual abuse sexual abuse within the Catholic Church clerical sex abuse crisis. Catholic Church child sexual abuse sexual abuse by Catholic members clergy abuse sex abuse scandals Catholic Church child sexual abuse and cover-up accusations and trials involving abuse of minors or vulnerable persons more to talk about sexual molestation scandals sexual abuse in the Catholic Church sex abuse allegations against the Catholic Church child abuse within the Roman Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases#India Catholic sexual abuse cases molestation of boys by Catholic priests the abuse of children scandals and accusations clerical sexual abuse cases on minors raping a 12-year-old girl sexual abuse by priests statement priests chasing altar boys sex abuse scandal Catholic Church sexual abuse cases in India Roman Catholic clergy sexual abuse scandal sexual abuse by Catholic Church clergy child sexual abuse by priests sex offenders Methodist church sex abuse cases clerical child abuse cases abuse crisis sexual abuse of minors cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests Catholic Church sexual abuse in institutions of the Catholic Church child sex abuse in the Catholic Church Catholic church's involvement in child abuse Roman Catholic priests accused of sex offences sexual and physical abuse sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church child sexual abuse cases in the Roman Catholic Church child abuse cases surrounding the Catholic church priest abuse sex abuse scandals in the church those that had damaged the Catholic Church clerical sexual abuse sporadic, isolated reports pedophilia within the church people abused by clergy raped by a priest sexual abuse by Catholic priests around the world Christian priest sexual abuse in the Catholic church sex abuse cases Catholic Church in crisis abuse scandals Catholic sexual abuse scandal clergy sexual abuse ongoing scandal of Roman Catholic priestly sex abuse sexually abused by a priest sexual abuse cases child sex abuse and paedophilia covert fathering of illegitimate children by members of the Spanish clergy coverage of the Roman Catholic clergy sexual abuse scandal Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases#Singapore Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal pedophile priests child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church sexual abuse by Catholic clergy clerical sexual abuse crisis Catholic Church sexual abuse cases#Northern Ireland Catholic priest abusing minors clerical sex abuse abusing abuse of minors sexual abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church the ongoing allegations of sexual abuse in the Catholic church Catholic Church sexual abuse Commission child sex abuse scandals Catholic clerical sexual abuse sex scandals [sex abuse] scandal Catholic sexual abuse victims sexual abuse from priests child abuse on the part of Catholic priests Catholic sex-abuse cases Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church sexual abuse clerical sexual abuse cases childhood sexual abuse sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy engaged in inappropriate behavior
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