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PrefixNamespace IRI
Subject Item
clgo:Engineering_project clgo:2019_establishment_in_the_United_States clgo:Border_barrier clgo:Anti-immigration_politic_in_the_United_States owl:NamedIndividual clgo:Political_slogan clgo:Trump_administration_controversy clgo:21st-century_fortification
Trump wall
n5:Engineering_projects n5:Border_barriers n5:Anti-immigration_politics_in_the_United_States n5:2019_establishments_in_the_United_States n5:21st-century_fortifications n5:Trump_administration_controversies n10:List_of_political_slogans
Trump wall
build a wall U.S. Border Wall started by Donald Trump The Wall Mexico–United States barrier Trump Wall the wall proposal to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico US Border wall Build The Wall border wall construction wall at the Mexico border building the wall the U.S.–Mexico border wall Build. That. Wall \"Build the wall\" wall separating the US and Mexico Mexico-U.S. border wall Trump's proposed border wall the border wall that Trump demanded Trump Border Wall greatly expand southern border wall similar barrier being built by the Trump administration on the U.S.-Mexico border wall Trump wall#\"Build_the_Wall\" wall along the U. S. - Mexico border Trump's wall Donald Trump's wall at the border with Mexico Proposed Trump border wall the expansion Mexican border wall Wall U.S.–Mexico border wall construct a new wall a larger barrier or wall border wall which President Trump has proposed build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border Trump wall#Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act introduced (2018) completed under President Donald J. Trump Build The Damn Wall Trump's expansion construction of a border wall border wall between the United States and Mexico a border wall United States–Mexico border wall Trump's Mexican border wall building of a wall USA-Mexico border wall wall on the U.S.-Mexico border building a wall \"Build a Wall\" the 400-mile portion built under the Trump administration a wall Proposal for a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico expansion of the border wall Trump wall#Opinions and responses not walls An additional 52 miles Trump v. Sierra Club Trump wall#\"Build the Wall\" US–Mexico border wall a wall on the US-Mexico border Trump's proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall barrier between Mexico and the United States border wall funding wall be built build a border wall to build a substantial wall border wall Trump's border wall expansion of the U.S.–Mexico border barrier border wall between the U.S. and Mexico proposal of a border wall Mexico-United States border wall U.S.-Mexico border wall supported by Trump build a wall along the U.S.–Mexico border a new wall build the wall