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PrefixNamespace IRI
Subject Item
Subject Item
owl:NamedIndividual clgo:Border_of_Israel clgo:Border_of_the_Gaza_Strip clgo:Document_of_Mandatory_Palestine clgo:Border_of_the_West_Bank clgo:United_Nations_General_Assembly_resolution_concerning_Israel
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine
n5:Borders_of_the_Gaza_Strip n5:Borders_of_Israel n6:Timeline_of_intercommunal_conflict_in_Mandatory_Palestine n5:United_Nations_General_Assembly_resolutions_concerning_Israel n6:Timeline_of_events_in_the_Cold_War n5:Documents_of_Mandatory_Palestine n6:Outline_of_Israel n6:United_Nations_General_Assembly_resolution n6:Outline_of_the_State_of_Palestine n5:Borders_of_the_West_Bank
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine
Resolution 181(II) partition plan Partitioning of Palestine UN partition plan Partition Plan of Palestine 29 November 1947, the resolution 1947 United Nations partition plan UN Partition Plan for Palestine 1947 Partition Plan partition Palestine UN-partitioned area resolutions of 29 November 1947 UN decision United Nations General Assembly resolution 181 UN Partition Plan 1947 resolution to partition Palestine established in 1948 partition Mandatory Palestine proposed partition the UN General Assembly, voting 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions, adopted a resolution voted to partition the territory 29 November 1947 Partition Plan for Palestine UN partition vote disastrous decision United Nations Partition Plan of 1947 UN Partition Plan of Palestine plan to partition Palestine November 29, 1947 resolution of the United Nations General Assembly partition the British Mandate for Palestine the partition of Palestine Partition of Palestine 1947 partition plan for Palestine U.N. Partition vote dividing Mandatory Palestine General Assembly resolution on Partition UN partition resolution United Nations in the Partition Plan Partition for Palestine UN Partition Plan for Palestine. Resolution 181 United Nations Resolution 181 partition plan for Palestine through political and diplomatic means 1947 UN Partition Plan UN resolution on establishing a Jewish state in Palestine \"the Palestine question\" UN resolution of 1947 United Nations vote in favour of partitioning Palestine vote UN Partition resolution plan for the partition General Assembly Resolution 181 29 November 1947 Partition vote partitioning of Palestine UN resolution 181 United Nations Partitions United Nations vote on Palestine UN Partition Resolution plan for the future government of Palestine Resolution 181 (II) partitioning Palestine into two states 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine 1947 Plan Partition plan partition UN resolution to partition the country Palestine Partition Plan a plan of partition Plan for the Future Government of Palestine UN Resolution 181 on the partition of Palestine birth of Israel United Nations General Assembly resolution partition of Palestine UN General Assembly Resolution 181 United Nations plan for the partition of Palestine UN plan in 1947 to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab states Resolution 181 (1947) Partition Plan for Mandatory Palestine 1947 UN partition plan Plan of Partition with Economic Union United Nations Partition Plan for British Palestine was referred to the United Nations the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine in late November 1947 UN resolution to partition Palestine resolution 181(II) UN Resolution 181 proposed a plan plan of partition Partition Plan UN GA Resolution 181 Plan of Partition plan United Nations Partition Plan United Nations declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel a resolution June 4, 1967 United Nations 1947 partition plan adoption of Resolution 181(II) ostensibly accepted create a Jewish and an Arab state 1947 Partition Plan for Palestine resolution 181 UN-proposed Jewish state United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine