. "an investigation" . "Malaysia's Watergate" . "investigation" . . . "1Malaysia Development Berhad" . "1Malaysia Development Berhad corruption scandal" . . . "1MDB" . . . "$700 million" . "charged" . "a major corruption scandal" . "1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal" . . . "series of probes" . "misappropriation of funds" . "stolen from a Malaysian government investment fund" . "a major scandal" . "1Malaysia Development Berhard" . . . "1 Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)" . . . "1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal" . "1MDB embezzlement scandal" . "1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) corruption scandal" . . "its suspicious money transactions" . "scandal of 1Malaysia Development Berhad" . "1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal" . . "US$4 billion state fund scandal" . "1MDB corruption scandal" . "1MDB scandal" . "Fraud, money laundering, abuse of political power, government bribes" . "scandal" . "1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal#Investigations by foreign law enforcement agencies" . . "corruption scandal" . "corruption at state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad" . . "corruption allegations levelled against him" . "1MDB funds scandal" . . . "embezzled funds" . . "Malaysian government fund" . . "Justogate" . . . . "1Malaysia Development Berhad corruption and money laundering scandal" . "investigations into $4.5 billion missing from 1MDB" . . "1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)" .