"triple attack on 3 January 2000" . . . . "planned" . "millennium attack plots" . "Millennium bomb plot" . . "2000 millennium attack plots" . "Los Angeles International Airport millennium bombing plot" . . . "Millennium Plot" . . "millennium plots" . "the millennium plot" . "plot to bomb the Los Angeles airport" . . "plots to bomb U.S. and Israeli targets" . . "2000 millennium attack plot" . "poison gas attack" . . . "a plot" . "planning attacks" . "plot to bomb the Millennium celebrations" . . "Jordan Millennium Bombing plot" . . "around the new millennium in 2000" . "Al-Qaeda" . "attacks to coincide with the millennium" . . . "plot to bomb tourists attending millennium celebrations in Jordan" . . . . . . "planning terrorist attacks in Los Angeles." . . "bomb the Los Angeles International Airport on December 31, 1999" . "2000 millennium attack plots" . "'''LAX bombing plot'''" . . "Millennium Bomber" . "LAX bombing plot" . "Millennium bombing" . . "millennium bombing plots in Jordan" . . "large-scale terrorist plan" . . . . "millennium bomber" . "millennium bombing plots" . "thwarted terror plots during Jordan's millennium eve" .