"2011 Tunisian elections" . . . . . "2011 elections" . . . "23 October 2011 elections" . "elections" . . "2011 Constituent Assembly election" . . "2011 election for a constituent assembly" . "election for a constituent assembly" . "2011 Tunisian Constituent Assembly election" . "2011" . "elected on 23 October 2011" . "elections to a Constituent Assembly" . . "general election" . "October 2011 elections to the Constituent Assembly" . "elected in 2011" . "Constituent Assembly" . . "election of a Tunisian constituent assembly in October 2011" . "fresh elections" . "constituent election in 2011" . . . . "elected" . "constituent assembly" . "2011 election" . . "2011 Tunisian Constituent Assembly election" . "2011-10-23" . "Tunisian Constituent Assembly" . . . "Tunisian Constituent Assembly election" . . "2011 Tunisian Constituent Assembly election" . "international districts" . "23 October 2011" . "Constituent Assembly election" .