. "7,000-10,000 fighters" . "*Aleppo Military Council" . "1st Aleppo" . . "**Syrian Arab Air Force" . . . "3 tanks lost" . "2012 Aleppo Governorate clashes" . . "Fighting in the Aleppo Governorate" . "previously operated" . "* Culmination in thebattle of Aleppo city" . "*Shabiha" . "**Syrian Arab Army" . . "100+ tanks" . . "11,000 soldiers" . "al-Nusra Front" . "*Security agencies" . "Rebel victory" . "clashes" . "*People's Protection Units" . "----" . "400 fighters killed" . . "Al-Nusra Front" . . "2012 Aleppo Governorate clashes" . "* FSA takes control ofAzaz,al-Bab,Manbij,Jarabulus,Tell Rifaat,Anadan,Darat Izza,Atariband other towns north of Aleppo city" . . "* YPG takes control ofKoban\u00EE" . "Free Syrian Army" . "Foreignmujahideen" . . "Syrian Arab Republic" . . "2012-07-19" . "19 July:" . . . "seized" . "*Syrian Armed Forces" . . .