"This has caused controversy" . . . "protested" . "nationwide protests in Romania" . . "Romanian protests against the Ro\u0219ia Montan\u0103 Project" . "2013 Romanian protests against the Ro\u0219ia Montan\u0103 Project" . "demonstrations against the Ro\u0219ia Montan\u0103 Project in the autumn of 2013" . . "2013 Romanian protests against the Ro\u0219ia Montan\u0103 Project" . "Protest against the Ro\u0219ia Montan\u0103 Project" . "series of nationwide protests" . . . . . "the nationwide protests by thousands of people across the country" . . . . "protest" . "more protests" . . . "Ro\u0219ia Montan\u0103 protests" .