. "massive pro-democracy Occupy protests" . "pro-democracy movement in 2014" . "widespread civil disobedience" . "2014 Occupy campaign" . "Mong Kok protest site" . "televised debate" . . "the protests' call for \\\"genuine universal suffrage\\\"." . . "pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong" . "2014_Hong_Kong_protests#Events" . "Umbrella or Occupy Movement" . . . "Hong Kong democracy protests of 2014" . "protests of 2014" . "2014 Occupy Movement" . "2014 pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong" . "historic Occupy protests" . "79-day Occupy protests" . "2014 occupation" . "large-scale occupy movement" . . . "2014 Hong Kong protests" . "2014 pro-democracy protests" . "2014 democracy protests in Hong Kong" . "massive protests" . . "massive Occupy protests" . "79-day Occupy protest" . . "large-scale occupation protests" . "831 Decision" . "occupied roads in Mong Kok" . . "Occupy Central movement" . "79-day occupy movement" . . . . "widespread protests in 2014" . "pro-democracy protests" . "79-day occupy protest" . "Hong Kong was experiencing a period of political instability" . . . "Occupy protests" . "the Occupy Central protests in 2014" . . "Occupy Central Movement" . "2014 Occupy protests" . "2014 protests" . "Umbrella Movement" . "Occupy Movement" . "2014 democracy protests" . . . . . "genuine universal suffrage among other goals" . "2014 pro-democratic protests" . "fight for democracy" . "79-day Occupy sit-ins" . "Umbrella Movement protests" . "The Umbrella Revolution of Hong Kong" . "2014 Hong Kong Protests" . "civil disobedience movement" . "2014 Umbrella Movement" . "massive pro-democracy protests" . . "city-wide pro-democracy protests" . . "a massive pro-democracy protest" . . "pro-democracy Occupy protests" . "Occupy Central protests" . "28 September 2014" . . . "2014_Hong_Kong_protests" . "Umbrella movement protests" . "\\\"Umbrella\\\" protests" . . "protests" . "2014" . "Hong Kong democracy protests" . "2014 Occupy Central protests" . "anti-Occupy lawyer" . "Umbrella Movement in 2014" . "Occupy pro-democracy sit-ins" . . "2014 Hong Kong protests" . "2014 Hong Kong protests" . "protests in 2014" . "2014 pro-democracy Occupy movement" . "occupation protests by the umbrella movement" . "Umbrella Revolution" . "2014 Hong Kong Umbrella Movement" . "79-day large-scale occupation protest" . . "widespread occupations" . "pro-democracy occupation" . "post-Occupy" . "widespread protests" . . . "2014 Umbrella Revolution" . . "Hong Kong protests" . . . . "Umbrella revolution" . . "Occupy Central" .