"a corruption scandal" . "that year's FIFA corruption investigation" . "FIFA corruption" . "widespread corruption within organized soccer" . "bribery case involving FIFA" . "indicted several current and former FIFA officials" . "convicted fraudster and informant" . "American investigation" . . "criminal investigations of corruption" . "indictment of 14 senior FIFA officials" . "FIFA bribery scandal" . "scandals in FIFA" . "major corruption scandal" . "FBI investigation into corruption in FIFA" . . . . "2015 FIFA scandal" . "FIFA corruption scandal" . "FIFA corruption case" . "the FIFA corruption case made public that year" . . "circumstances" . . . "investigation into corruption at FIFA" . "several other FIFA officials who were arrested in Zurich" . "2015 FIFA corruption case" . "corruption investigation" . . "corruption scandal at FIFA" . "resulting cases" . "indictments of nine high-ranking FIFA officials and five corporate executives" . . "charges of accepting bribes" . . "2015 FIFA corruption case" . "corruption indictments of FIFA officials" . "FIFA's leaders were under investigation for fraud and corruption" . . "the corruption investigation" . . . "arrest" . "arrested for corruption charges" . "accused of bribery" . "corruption scandal" . "Case FIFA" . "charges including racketeering, wire fraud, and money laundering" . "FIFA-gate" . . "banned until 2028" . "prosecuted" . . . "ongoing corruption scandal" . . "ongoing corruption case" . "2015 FIFA Corruption Case" . . "Fifagate" . . "Suspended" . "Swiss inquiry into the bidding process for the 2018 World Cup" .