. . . . "street protest movement" . . . . . "mass protests against the GERB government" . . . . . . . "Protests begin in Bulgaria" . "2020 protests" . . . . "2020\u20132021 anti-government protests" . . "police raid on the Presidency of Bulgaria" . "2020\u20132021 Bulgarian protests" . . "yet another wave of mass protests in 2020" . "the protests against the Borisov government" . . . "large-scale anti-government protests" . . "2020-2021 protests" . . "demonstrators and dismantled anti-government barricades" . . "Bulgarian protests" . . "boycotted sittings" . "2020-2021 Bulgarian mass anti-government protests" . "Protests" . . . "Thousands of protesters" . ":2020\u20132021 Bulgarian protests" . . . "large anti-GERB protests" . "protests in the country" . "anti-government protests" . "protests opposing chief prosecutor Ivan Geshev and Borisov's administration" . . . . "continued protests" . . "2020\u20132021 Bulgarian protests" . . . . . "September 2020 protests" . . "major protests" .