"2021 Suez Canal obstruction" . . "stuck in the Suez Canal" . "ran aground in the Suez Canal" . . . . . "Suez canal obstruction" . "The grounding of Ever Given" . "Suez Canal in 2021" . "container ship ''Ever Given'' running aground" . . "blockage of the Suez Canal in 2021" . "runs aground and obstructs" . "runs aground" . "major obstruction" . "obstructs the Suez Canal" . "obstruction of the canal" . . "obstruction of the Suez Canal" . . "obstruction caused by the" . . . . . . . "grounding of the vessel in the Suez Canal" . "2021 Suez canal obstruction." . . "2021 Suez Canal obstruction" . . "2021 Suez Canal obstruction#Seizure" . "blocked the Suez Canal for 6 days" . "blocked the Suez Canal" .