"20th July plot" . "''putsch'' attempt of 20 July 1944" . "20 July failed attempt" . . . "July 20, 1944, plot" . "attempted to assassinate Hitler with a bomb" . . "bomb plot" . "plotters attempted to kill" . "a 1944 assassination attempt" . "failed attempt" . . "failed assassination attempt of Hitler on July 20, 1944" . "failed assassination attempt on Hitler in 1944" . "plotting to kill Hitler" . "20 July 1944 plot" . "assassination attempt on Hitler on 20 July 1944" . "plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler" . . "July 20, 1944 Hitler assassination attempt" . "the plan" . . "failed assassination attempt" . . . "failed plot" . . . "20 July plot" . "20th of July 1944 coup attempt" . "Hitler assassination plot" . "July plot" . "attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler" . "on 20 July 1944" . "plot to kill Hitler on July 20" . "assassination attempt of Hitler on 20 July 1944" . "failed assassination attempt on Hitler" . "20 July 1944 Plot to assassinate Hitler" . . "20 July 1944 coup attempt" . "assassination attempt" . "1944 conspiracy" . . "July 20, 1944" . "fellow conspirators" . "ring of conspirators" . "in July 1944" . "assassination plot" . "assassination attempt on Hitler" . "20 July 1944 attempt to kill Adolf Hitler" . "plot of 20 July 1944" . "anti-Nazi conspirator" . "assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944" . "1944 plot" . "assassination attempt on Hitler's life of 20 July 1944" . "the failed 1944 bomb plot to assassinate Hitler" . "attempted assassination of Hitler on 20 July 1944" . "July 20-style" . "failed attempt on Hitler's life" . "20 July plot" . "July assassination plotters" . "plot to kill Hitler in July 1944" . "20 July plotters" . "attempted murder" . "This assassination attempt" . . "assassinated" . "attempt on Hitler's life on 20 July 1944" . "The Bomb Plot to Kill Hitler" . "July Bomb Plot" . "Operation Walkyrie" . "assassination attempt against Hitler" . "widely reported conspiracy" . "1944 assassination plot" . "July 20 Plot" . "unsuccessful attempt on the leader's life" . . "attempt to kill" . "conspiracy" . . "failed attempt on 20 July 1944" . "assassination plot against Hitler" . "20 July assassination plot against Hitler" . "Stauffenberg's attempt to kill Hitler" . "1944 plot to assassinate Hitler" . "July 20, 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler" . "conspiracy against Hitler" . "attempt on Adolf Hitler's life" . . "assassination attempt against" . "bomb attempt against Hitler\u2019s life" . "20 July" . "1944 assassination attempt on Hitler" . "an assassination attempt" . "anti-Hitler plot" . "plotting to assassinate Hitler" . "assassination attempt on Hitler in 1944" . "plot of the 20th July 1944" . . "assassination on Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944" . "20 July assassination attempt" . "a bomb was planted" . "July 20, 1944 plot" . "assassination of Adolf Hitler" . "plot to assassinate the leader" . "20 July assassination and political coup plot to kill Adolf Hitler" . "a failed assassination attempt" . "Hitler Assassination plot" . "assassinate Hitler" . "failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler" . "plotters of 20 July 1944" . "20 July plot" . "failed assassination attempt on Hitler's life in 1944" . "20 July 1944 bomb plot" . "Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944" . "attempt to assassinate the leader" . "July 20 plot" . "assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler" . "20 July 1944 assassination attempt on Hitler" . "failed assassination of Adolf Hitler" . "plot for the assassination of Hitler" . "20 July Plot" . "1944 plans" . "coup against the Nazi regime" . "July 20, 1944 Plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler" . . "attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler" . "July Plot" . "failed plot to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944" . "plot to kill Hitler" . "\\\"officers' uprising\\\" in July 1944" . "20 July plot to assassinate Hitler" . "the Valkyrie bomb plot" . . "planned assassination" . "Operation Valkyrie" . "attempt to assassinate Hitler" . "the assassin's bomb failed to kill the ''F\u00FChrer''" . "plotted to kill Hitler" . "the plot" . "assassination attempt on 20 July 1944" . "20 July 1944 assassination attempt" . "July 20 ''putsch''" . "unsuccessful assassination attempt" . "1944 military coup d'\u00E9tat" . . "assassinate" . . . "coup attempt" . "20 July plot in Germany" . "Stauffenberg bomb plot" . "attempt to kill the leader" . . "plot to assassinate" . "men of July 20th" . "July 20th plot" . "failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler" . "Valkyrie assassination attempt" . "assassinate Hitler on 20 July 1944" . . "20 July 1944 assassination plot against Adolf Hitler" . "plotting" . "1944 assassination attempt against Hitler" . "plot" . "attempt on Hitler's life on July 20, 1944" . "July 1944 plot" . . . "assassination attempt of 20 July 1944" . "20 July 1944" . . "assassination of Hitler" . "20 July Plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler" . "1944 attempt to assassinate Hitler" . . . "July 20" . "attempt to kill Hitler" . "July 20, 1944 assassination attempt" . "assassination attempt on him" . "Attempt to assassinate Hitler" . "plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944" . "arrests and executions" . .