"the temporary shutdown of ABS-CBN" . "the network ceased its free-to-air broadcast operations" . "after its franchise expiration" . "franchise was denied." . "network's free-to-air closure" . "ABS-CBN's legislative franchise renewal issue" . "cease and desist order" . "shutdown and franchise denial of ABS-CBN" . "loss of ABS-CBN's franchise" . . "franchise renewal" . "ABS-CBN's franchise expired" . "renewal process of ABS-CBN Corporation's broadcast franchise" . "renewal of ABS-CBN\u2019s TV and radio broadcasting franchise" . "issued a cease and desist order against the operations of" . "70 congressmen who voted to reject the franchise renewal of ABS-CBN" . "expired franchise of ABS-CBN" . "broadcast franchise of ABS-CBN expired" . "the cease and desist order that led to the shutdown of media giant ABS-CBN" . "shutdown of ABS-CBN and its controversial franchise denial" . "ABS-CBN shutdown and franchise crisis" . "franchise renewal of ABS-CBN" . "denied a renewal of its congressional franchise" . "rejected its fresh 25-year franchise" . "70 representatives who voted \\\"yes\\\" to \\\"kill\\\" (deny) the franchise renewal" . "cease its operations" . "70 representatives who voted \\\"yes\\\" to deny the renewal of ABS-CBN's franchise" . "ABS-CBN shutdown and franchise denial" . "legislative franchise expired" . "franchise issue" . "network's franchise controversy" . "ABS-CBN franchise renewal controversy" . "issues of the congressional legislative franchise" . "House committee vote denying the network a fresh legislative broadcast franchise" . "franchise non-renewal of ABS-CBN" . "non-renewal of its congressional franchise" . "renewal of the broadcast franchise of ABS-CBN" . "May 5 shutdown" . "ABS-CBN was forced to shut down" . "second indefinite network shutdown and denial of franchise" . "alias cease and desist order" . "issue of legislative franchise renewal and the denial of the franchise" . "70 representatives who voted to \\\"yes\\\" to deny the franchise renewal of ABS-CBN" . "the expiration of ABS-CBN's franchise" . "denial of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal" . "70 representatives who voted to reject the franchise renewal of ABS-CBN" . "Renewal of the franchise" . "the lapsing of ABS-CBN's franchise" . "the absence of the network's broadcast franchise" . "expired franchise" . "was forced to cease and desist its broadcasting operations" . "franchise renewal for broadcast company ABS-CBN" . "denial of the franchise renewal" . "citing the absence of the latter's valid, legislative franchise" . "ABS-CBN franchise renewal controversy" . "shutdown" . "shutdown since May 5, 2020" . "expiration of the network's 25-year franchise granted in 1995" . "stop broadcasting" . "expiration of ABS-CBN's legislative license" . "due to the network's shutdown after the latter attempted to renew the franchise" . "its shutdown" . "issued a cease and desist order against to the network due to its expired franchise" . "ABS-CBN franchise renewal controversy#May 2020 broadcast stoppage" . "ABS-CBN's franchise was denied by 70 congressmen" . "cease and desist" . "shut down indefinitely" . "legislative franchise" . "franchise applications of ABS-CBN" . "expiration" . "embroiled in controversy following the ceasing of TV and radio broadcast operations" . "lapsed legislative franchise" . . "network was forced off the air" . "ABS-CBN_franchise_renewal_controversy#ABS-CBN_Corporation_v._National_Telecommunications_Commission" . "prevented the renewal of the ABS-CBN franchise" . "ceasing its free-to-air broadcast operations" . "closure of ABS-CBN's free-to-air stations" . "70 representatives who voted to deny the franchise renewal of ABS-CBN" . "expiration of the network's franchise" . "non-renewal of ABS-CBN's broadcast franchise" . "renew its franchise" . "ABS-CBN was forced to indefinitely stop operations" . "franchise was relapsed" . "ABS-CBN's shutdown" . "shutdown of ABS-CBN" . "70 congressmen" . "loss of franchise of ABS-CBN" . . "temporary closure of ABS-CBN" . "network's legislative franchise controversy" . "shutdown of ABS-CBN brought about by the congressional denial of its franchise" . "non-renewal of the former's broadcast franchise" . "franchise renewal controversy" . "denial of the Philippine congress to grant ABS-CBN a fresh 25-year broadcasting franchise" . "network's shutdown" . "ABS-CBN's franchise renewal" . "the network's broadcasting franchise expired the day before" . "failed to renew its franchise" . "expiration of ABS-CBN franchise" . "expired" . "the shutdown of ABS-CBN and the failure of franchise renewal" . "its franchise non-renewal" . "July 10 vote of the House Committee on Legislative Franchises denying the network a fresh congressional franchise" . "suspend their operations" . "ABS-CBN's franchise renewal controversy" . "temporary shutdown of ABS-CBN" . "broadcast stoppage" . . "denied the network's franchise renewal" . "franchise renewal of the said network" . "rejected the franchise renewal of ABS-CBN" . "expiration of its legislative franchise" . "House of Representatives' 70\u201311 vote denying the company a fresh congressional franchise on July 10, 2020" . "voted to deny the said broadcaster's franchise renewal" . "renew its broadcast franchise" . "ABS-CBN shutdown and franchise denial controversy" . "franchise renewed by the congress" . "absence of its fresh, legislative franchise" . "ABS-CBN franchise renewal controversy#Quo warranto petition" . "expiration and subsequent denial of ABS-CBN's franchise" . "ABS-CBN's legislative franchise" . "70 representatives who voted to deny the ABS-CBN franchise" . "shutdown and franchise denial" . "channel 2's shutdown" . "ABS-CBN shutdown and subsequent denial of its bid for a new legislative broadcast franchise" . "legislative franchise lapsed" . "network's franchise renewal" . "ABS-CBN shutdown and the denial of franchise renewal" . "franchise of ABS-CBN" . "non-renewal of its franchise" . "ABS-CBN's franchise expiration" . "new franchise" . "defunct" . "alias cease-and-desist order (ACDO)" . "end of ABS-CBN's legislative franchise" . "expired franchise lapsed" . "the expiration of its legislative franchise" . "ABS-CBN ceased its free-to-air broadcast operations" . "ABS-CBN shutdown" . "cease and desist its free TV broadcasting operations" . . "various legal challenges" . "the network's legislative franchise to operate expired the day before" . "network's aforementioned shutdown, denial and layoffs" . "shutting down operations" . "cease and desist order issued by the NTC" . "the denial of its legislative franchise renewal" . "denial of the new franchise" . "franchise renewal for broadcast network ABS-CBN" . "reject the franchise renewal" . "Philippine Congress that junked the new ABS-CBN legislative franchise to operate" . "expiration of its franchise" . "alias" . "franchise expired" . "ABS-CBN's legislative broadcast franchise" . "shutdown and franchise crisis of ABS-CBN" . "issue on legislative franchise renewal" . "legislative franchise denial" . "the issues regarding ABS-CBN's now-expired broadcast franchise" . "first hearing for ABS-CBN's franchise renewal application" . "lapsed of its broadcast franchise" . "non-renewal of ABS-CBN's franchise" . "expiration of the network's legislative franchise" . "renewal of the ABS-CBN franchise" . "denial of ABS-CBN's franchise renewal" . "against ABS-CBN" . . . "permanent denial of ABS-CBN's franchise renewal" . "ABS-CBN's shutdown on May 5, 2020" . "shutdown of its free TV and radio broadcasting operations" . "shutdown of ABS-CBN due to the expired franchise" . "expired broadcast franchise" . "ABS-CBN franchise renewal" . "temporary closure of ABS-CBN on May 5, 2020" . "shutdown of the ABS-CBN broadcast network" . "non-renewal of the media company's franchise" . "loss of the congressional franchise of ABS-CBN" . . "fails to renew its franchise" . "cease and desist order released by National Telecommunications Commission" . "expiration of ABS-CBN's legislative franchise" . . "expired without renewal" . "aforementioned network's free to air shutdown" . "the Serpent 70 denied ABS-CBN's hopes of giving a 25-year broadcast franchise" . "expire" . "lack of congressional franchise" . "ABS-CBN's franchise renewal controversy." . "shut down ABS-CBN" . "cease-and-desist order" . "ceased its free-to-air broadcast operations" . "70 representatives who voted to permanently deny the franchise renewal of ABS-CBN" . "ABS-CBN shutdown and legislative franchise denial" . "closure of ABS-CBN on free television since 2020" . "expiration of the ABS-CBN's franchise" .