"Anzus" . . . "alliances" . "enacted a law" . "Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty" . "United States alliance" . . "alliance with the United States" . . "ANZUS" . . "partially suspended New Zealand from the ANZUS military alliance" . "U.S. Alliance" . . "ANZUS - New Zealand bans nuclear ships" . "ANZUS" . . "ANZUS - New Zealand bans nuclear material" . . . "Anzus Treaty" . . "ANZUS Alliance" . . "ally" . . "ally of the United States" . "ANZUS Pact" . "suspended its mutual defense obligations to New Zealand" . . "ANZUS Treaty" . . . . "United States\u2013Australian alliance" . . . "1951-09-01" . "U.S.\u2013Australia alliance" . "U.S.-Australia alliance" . . . . "Security Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America [ANZUS]" . "nuclear ship entry" . . . . . "Australia-New Zealand-United States" . . . "ANZUS" . . "Australia-New Zealand-United States Security Treaty" . "US alliance" . . "Security Treaty with Australia and New Zealand" . . "United States suspended its ANZUS relations with New Zealand" . "US Alliance" . "ANZUS breakup" . . . "Collective security" . .