. "existence is possible after death" . "afterlife#Islam" . "Life After Death" . "sainted dead" . "otherworldly reward" . "continued existence" . "goes into the light" . "Other World" . "great unknown" . "enable an afterlife" . "after-death" . "the next life" . "another world" . "Afterlife#Science" . "to see Maximus again" . "the beyond" . "Afterlife#Islam" . "alternate dimension" . "journey to the land of the dead" . "world to come" . "the next" . "underworld" . "Future World" . "Life after death" . "new life" . . . "Ancient Egyptian views on the afterlife" . "great beyond" . "future state" . . "''beyond''" . "where they are going" . . . "'''Afterlife''' (concept)" . . "Future life" . "hereafter" . "judgement in the next world" . "Abrahamic" . . "departed" . "afterlives" . "Afterlife" . . "fate" . "final resting place" . "the other side" . . "the next world" . "into Heaven after death" . "Afterlife" . "faithful departed" . "appropriately rewarded or punished" . "Afterlife#Buddhism" . "eternal life" . "after party" . "next life" . "existence beyond the grave" . "no belief in personal afterlife with reward or punishment" . . . "eternal destination" . "after her death" . . . . "after" . "the other world" . . . . "After Death" . "afterworld" . "beyond death" . "survival of consciousness after bodily death" . "Hereafter" . "other side" . "Afterlife#Hinduism" . "Afterworld" . "Catholics have their hopes" . . . "deceased" . . "the light" . "life after death" . "eternal life after the death" . . "reward and punishment" . "afterlife" . . "Afterlife#Christianity" . "land of the dead" . "after their death" . "vision of afterlife" . . "heaven, hell and reincarnation" . "after death" . "permanent abode" . "immortality" . "next world" . "Life Beyond" . "Light" . "Great Beyond" .