"post war reconstruction of Europe" . "aftermath of the destruction of World War II in Germany" . "Post-World War II era" . "post-World War II period" . "after the World War II" . "directly after the war" . "the years following the Second World War" . "aftermath of World War II" . "post-war order" . "aftermath of" . "May" . "aftermath" . "After May 1945" . "postwar rationing" . . "After the war" . "War ended in May 1945" . "its immediate aftermath" . "its aftermath" . "Post World War II" . "After" . "after 1945" . "post-Second World War" . "after the war" . "aftermath of the war" . "post-war years" . "National Socialist nightmare ended" . "the wake of" . "After the" . "slightly more than" . "Following the" . "From 1945" . "Aftermath of World War II in Europe" . "only after" . . "post\u2013World War II" . "As the dust of war settled" . "Post-World War II" . "after WWII" . "post-war Italy" . "post-World War II" . "after the" . "immediate aftermath of war" . "liberation" . "the war was finally over" . "After the second World War" . . "opened the way" . "aftermath of Second World War" . . "after" . "postwar conditions" . "recovery" . "in Britain's poor economic conditions" . "the fighting was over" . "Post-World War II-period" . "following World War Ii" . "the aftermath" . "ended" . "after the end of WWII" . . "in the late 1940s" . "aftermath of the" . "post-war period" . "The end of the war" . "postwar depression" . . "War in Europe ended, formally, in May 1945" . "following WWII" . "post World War II" . . "Post-WWII era" . "after the war ended" . "post-WWII" . "post-1945" . "1945 collapse" . "war" . "military defeat" . "aftermath of war" . "post-world-war II" . "post-World War II society" . "immediate post-war period" . "Germany" . "a consequence" . "After 1945" . "Following the end of World War II" . . "Aftermath_of_World_War_II#Economic_aftermath" . "postwar" . "1945" . "years after the end of the war" . "more..." . "post\u2013World War II era" . "postwar reconstruction" . "WWII post-war" . . "post war" . "Post-World War II Era" . "post-World War II era" . "May 1945" . "post-war" . . "After the second world war" . "aftermath of WWII" . "end of World War II" . "collapse" . "Aftermath of World War II" . "Europe after World War II" . "after World War II" . "postwar period" . "war ended" . "the end" . "By the summer of 1945" . "War ended" . "post" . "after the end of the Second World War in Germany" . "post-fascist era" . "aftermath of the Second World War" . "post-war plan" . "conclusion of the Second World War" . "post-war era" . "After World War II" . "On 22 April 1945" . "Aftermath of World War II" . "Post-WWII" . "postwar years" . "following World War II" . "Post-War" . "after April 1945" . "post-war Europe" . "post-WWII era" . "half a decade of destructive war" . "the war ended" . "end of the war" . "Following the war" . "postwar Germany" . "Post-war" . "defeat in World War II" . "European recovery" .