"Age of majority" . "age of eighteen" . "age of majority" . "18 years of age or older" . "comes of age" . "adults" . "legal adults" . "once he was 18" . "majority status" . . . . "came of age" . "Youths" . "majors" . "majority" . . "18 years of age" . "over-18" . "18th birthday" . "legal adulthood" . "majority age" . . "adult" . . "coming of age" . "Age of majority" . "adult age" . "her 21st birthday" . "turned eighteen" . "appears underage" . . "of (legal) age" . "ages of majority" . "minors" . "legal majority" . "over the age of 18" . "Adult" . . "adulthood" . "maturity" . "age of 21" . "come of age" . "legal age of majority" . "Age of Majority Act" . "attained his majority" . . "of age" . "legal age" . "Legal majority" . "adult children" . "under the age of 21" . "18" . "age of 18" . "minority" . . . "old enough to participate" . "full age" . "legally of age" . "major" . "a certain age" . "age of maturity" . "minimum age" . "above a certain age" . "of full age" . . . . "under 18" . "minor" .