. "amending formulae" . "amendment" . . "Constitution's amending process" . "amended the ''Constitution Act, 1867''" . "amend" . "constitution's amending formula" . . "formula of amendment" . "section 44 of the Constitution Act, 1982" . "section 43 amending formula" . "amend the ''Constitution Act, 1867''" . "constitutional amendment" . "amendment to the Constitution of Canada" . "Constitution Amendment, 2022 (Saskatchewan Act)" . "its amending formula" . "amending the Constitution of Canada" . "section 44 amendment" . "national constitutional amendments in the 1980-83 period" . "amendments to the Constitution of Canada" . "amended" . "Amendments to the Constitution of Canada" . "amending formulas" . "Constitution Amendment, 1997 (Qu\u00E9bec)" . . "constitutional change" . "1982 amendments" . "amending formula for the Canadian Constitution" . "amending formula" . "7/50 amending formula" . "be done through a constitutional amendment approved by Parliament and all provincial legislatures" . "Amendments to the Constitution of Canada" . "constitutional amending formula" . "amendments to the Constitution" .