"Stimulus Act" . "$814 billion stimulus spending program" . "economic stimulus package of 2009" . "federal stimulus funding" . "ARRA Stimulus" . "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009#Recovery.gov" . "American Recovery & Reinvestment Act" . "2009 stimulus" . . "stimulus money" . "$787 billion stimulus bill" . "2009 fiscal stimulus package" . "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009" . "2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" . "United States government stimulus funds" . "infrastructure spending from the Obama stimulus package" . "2009 Economic Stimulus Act" . . "Feb. 2009 bailout" . "Repairing and modernizing public housing, including increasing the energy efficiency of units, $4 billion to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)" . "economic stimulus" . . "TIGER" . "recovery stimulus" . . "stimulus act" . "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's" . "Recovery" . "federal economic stimulus package" . . "2009 Stimulus Act" . "President Obama's stimulus bill" . . . "Economic stimulus" . "Obama stimulus" . . "2009 federal stimulus act" . . "American_Recovery_and_Reinvestment_Act_of_2009#Recovery.gov" . "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" . "American Reinvestment and Recovery Act" . "stimulus bill" . "research and development of new energy sources" . "\\\"stimulus package\\\"" . . "stimulus package of 2009" . "United States" . "stimulus project" . "federal stimulus grant" . "federal stimulus package of 2009" . . "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" . "green stimulus" . . . "2009 stimulus bill" . "$800-billion package" . "economic stimulus package" . "2009" . "ARRA" . . "federal economic-stimulus funding" . "TIGER grant" . "federal government's economic stimulus plan" . "Stimulus Package" . . "stimulus funds" . "2009 Federal Stimulus" . "2009 economic stimulus act" . . "2009 federal stimulus package" . "federal stimulus bill" . "2009 Obama stimulus package" . "investments" . "2009 ARRA stimulus" . . . "$787 billion fiscal stimulus package" . . "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" . "stimulus funding" . "federal economic stimulus funds" . "major stimulus package" . . "stimulus plan to revive the economy" . "2009-03-23" . "2009 federal recovery act" . "Recovery Act Office" . "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" . "the stimulus bill" . . "Stimulus Bill" . "stimulus package" . . . "economic stimulus plan" . "federal stimulus funds" . "federal stimulus package" . "Recovery and Reinvestment Act" . "stimulus spending" . "American Recovery and Reinvestment" . "2009 stimulus act" . . "Obama economic stimulus package of 2009" . "$787 billion stimulus package" . . "economic stimulus bill" . "the 2009 stimulus package" . "2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act" . "federal economic-stimulus" . . "2009 Stimulus Package" . . "Federal Stimulus" . "2009 federal stimulus money" . "federal stimulus" . "Federal stimulus bill of 2009" . "stimulus" . . . "2009 ARRA" . "$787 billion final package" . "infrastructure spending in 2009" . . "Obama's $800 billion stimulus package" . . "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)" . "stimulus expenditures" . "American_Recovery_and_Reinvestment_Act_of_2009" . "stimulus plan" . "stimulus proposal" . "2009 Recovery Act" . "federal stimulus money" . "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" . "2009 economic stimulus package" . "Recovery Act" . "Buy American provision" . "Stimulus" . "Buy American Provision of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" . "2009 stimulus package" . "the 2009 stimulus bill" .