"naval expansion" . "Great Britain" . . "naval rivalry" . "ruinous naval arms race" . "because it had been prepared and ready for war" . "international naval arms race" . "reaction" . "Anglo-German naval arms race" . . "naval arms race with Britain" . "World War I naval arms race" . "naval race" . . "threat of Germany" . "Anglo-German race" . "arms race" . "their escalating naval arms race" . . "naval rivalry between Britain and Germany" . "a naval arms race" . "Anglo-German Naval Race" . "naval arms race between Britain and Germany" . . "German naval expansion" . "build a powerful surface fleet" . "Germany and the United Kingdom" . "program of naval expansion" . . . "naval race between Britain and Germany" . "naval arms race" . . "Anglo-German naval arms race" . "German naval threat" . "locked in a heated naval arms race" . . "armaments" . "Naval arms race between the United Kingdom and the German Empire" .