"Anthropomorphized" . . "come to life" . "dog man" . "given human qualities" . "attributing human traits" . "Anthropomorphism" . "antrophomorphic" . "anthropomorphs" . "talking" . "anthropomorphist" . . "animal anthropomorphism" . "anthropomorphic beings" . "humanised" . "anthropomorphists" . "sentient" . "attach human emotions to the objects he was painting" . "detaches and acts on its own" . . "in the human form" . "assigning emotional states to various behaviors" . "conventional notions of anthropomorphic deities" . "made to have humanlike characteristics" . "\\\"person-ish\\\"" . "anthropomorphising" . "Anthropomorphism#In science" . . "personifies" . "anthropomorphized animals" . "anthropomorphic pig" . "relationships with inanimate objects" . "perceived similarity to humans" . . "animal form" . "anthropomorphic descriptions" . "anthromorphic" . "possesses human-like features" . "human characteristics" . "anthropomorphizations" . "Anthropomorphic" . "anthropomorphical" . "human projection" . . "anthropomorphic leonine-human" . "Anthropomorphism#In film" . "talking animals" . "anthropomorphizes" . . "rino-sapien" . . "anthropomorphic" . "fictional anthropomorphic" . . "anthropomorphic forms" . "human form" . "anthropometric" . "anthropormorphic" . "anthropomorphise" . "anthropomorhic" . "personified" . "humanoid animals" . "Anthropomorphising" . "non-anthropomorphic" . "Anthropomorphism" . "lifelike" . "Anthropomorphists" . "anthropomorphism of gods" . "anthropomorphic animals" . "personification" . "like a human" . . "anthropomorphistic" . "anthropomorphic shape" . "animals performing various human tasks" . . "fully human form" . "personified aspects of God" . . "humanoid" . "anthropomorphized" . "anthropomorphic personification" . "deification" . "anthropomorphic characteristics" . "anthro" . "anthropomorphous" . "Anthropormorphic" . "human attributes" . . . "physical embodiment" . "anthropomorphic vehicles" . . . "human-like qualities" . "anthropomorphic insects" . "resemble townspeople" . "Talking animals" . "anthropomorh" . "anthropomorphized characters" . "anthropomorphises" . "anthropomorphi" . . "featuring animals" . "Anthropomorphism#Animals" . "giving objects personalities" . "human shape" . "anthropomorphic animal" . "antropomorphic" . "anthromorphs" . "anthropormophic cat" . "animal characters" . "gynomorphic" . "anthropomorphisation" . "anthropomorphic cat" . "sapient beings" . "personifications" . "humanizations" . "personalised" . "half-man, half-lion" . "anthropomorphization" . "Personification" . . . "anthropomorphism" . . "participating in human activities" . "Anthropomorphism/Personification" . "anthropomorphic animal heroes" . "personify" . "resembles human figures" . . "anthropomorphist theology" . "anthropomorphic shadow" . "animals engaging in human activities" . "anthropomorphic entities" . "incarnations" . "Anthropomorphised" . "life" . "emotion" . . "may belong only to our own human mind and heart" . "anthropomorphize" . "anthropomorphically" . . "anthropomorphic cats" . "anthopomorphised" . "anthropomorphizing" . "as if it were a person" . "beastmen" . "hamster anthropomorphs" . "anthropomorphic vases" . . "human-like" . "anthropomorphic imagery" . "anthropomophized" . "furry" . "anthropromorphic" . "anthropomorphised" . "anthropomorph" .