"Congolese Armed Forces" . "Congolese army" . . . "Congolese National Army" . "Democratic Republic of the Congo" . . . "Arm\u00E9e Nationale Congolaise (ANC)" . "troops of the DRC" . "government troops" . "forces arm\u00E9es congolaises" . . "(FARDC)" . "Loyalist troops" . "D.R. Congo armed forces" . "Congolese armed force" . . "Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo" . "''Arm\u00E9e nationale congolaise''" . "army" . "Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo" . "ANC" . . "FAZ Mutineers" . "Military" . . "Armed Forces" . "its own armed forces" . . . "Armed Forces (FARDC)" . "military" . "Zairian paratroopers" . "Congolese Army" . "Forces Arm\u00E9es de la R\u00E9publique D\u00E9mocratique du Congo" . . "Congolese government forces" . "DRC's armed forces" . . "D.R. Congo Armed Forces" . . "Forces arm\u00E9es za\u00EFroises (FAZ)" . "FARDC" . "Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo#Zaire 1971\u20131997" . "Armed Forces of the DRC" . "national army" . "DRC Armed Forces" . "Democratic Republic of Congo army" . "Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (ANC)" . . "''Arm\u00E9e Nationale Congolaise''" . "Military of the Democratic Republic of the Congo" . "Army" . "Zairean army (Forces arm\u00E9es za\u00EFroises, FAZ)" . "Congolese military" . "armed forces" . . . "''Armee Nationale Congolaise''" . "DRC Army" . "Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo#History" . "Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo" . "Congo government forces" . "Zairian Armed Forces" . "Arm\u00E9e Nationale Congolaise" . "Congolese armed forces" . "Zairian army" .