. "Armenian genocide denialist" . "denial of the" . "there was no genocide of Armenians" . "actively suppressed" . "denying the Armenian Genocide" . "Armenian genocide denial#Examination of claims" . "Armenian_genocide_denial" . "continued denial of the genocide" . "denied by the Turkish government" . "denies" . "denied the fact that a genocide occurred" . . "Armenian genocide dispute" . . . "official line to counter Armenian allegations" . "denial of the Armenian Genocide" . "denying" . "denying the Armenian genocide" . "recognize its culpability for the Armenian Genocide" . "does not acknowledge" . "cannot be described as genocide" . "persistent denial" . "officially denied in Turkey" . "Denial of the Armenian genocide" . . "denier" . "deniers of the Armenian genocide" . "Armenian genocide never happened" . . "denied" . "lie" . "denialism of Armenian genocide" . "denied the Armenian Genocide" . "genocide is disputed" . "deny the truth of the Armenian Genocide" . "denies the genocide" . "denying it" . "refused to acknowledge" . "Turkish opinion" . "denialist stance" . "Armenian Genocide denial" . "deniers" . "Armenian genocide denier" . "Armenian genocide" . "there was no genocide, only a civil war" . "Armenian" . "position" . . "denied the genocide" . "denial" . "Armenian Genocide deniers" . "Armenian genocide deniers" . "denier of the Armenian genocide" . "Armenians committed genocide against Turks" . . "openly denies" . "denial of the Armenian genocide" . . "denying the events of 1915" . "I do deny that." . . "systematic purges of incriminating documents by Turkey" . "denial policy" . "seeks to persuade other nations to do the same" . "denies the historical facts" . "Armenian genocide denial#Legality" . "consequences of denialism" . "Armenian genocide denial" . "deny the Armenian genocide" . "does not recognize" . "Armenians were not victims of a genocide" . "Armenian genocide denial" . "Turkish denialists" . "Turkey" . "rejects the view" . "denied the Armenian genocide" .