"Jesuit universities" . . . "Jesuit" . . . "network of colleges and universities" . "28 such schools of higher education" . "A.J.C.U." . . "28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States" . "Jesuit institution" . "Jesuit Institutions" . "27 colleges and universities" . . "Jesuit colleges and universities" . . "AJCU" . "colleges in the Jesuit system" . "All-Jesuit" . "Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities#Members" . "Jesuit-affiliated" . . "Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities" . . "affiliation" . . "Jesuit university" . . . . . "Jesuit college" . "Jesuit universities in the United States" . "Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities" . "Jesuit schools" . "Jesuits" .