"astroturfing" . . "\\\"astroturf\\\" organization" . "hiring associates to pretend to be enthusiastic customers" . "manufacture the appearance of a grass-roots movement" . . "Astroturfing" . "Astroturf organizations" . "Astro-Turf" . "use popular culture" . . "Astroturfing#State-sponsored" . . "shape online dialogue" . "to create the appearance of a spontaneous support" . "artificially inflate" . . "astroturf group" . "astroturf" . . . "astroturf groups" . . . "the appearance of outside support" . "astroturf organization" . "feign support" . . . "AstroTurf" . . "Astroturfing" . "grassroots" . . . "grass-roots fronts for corporate campaigns" . "astroturfers" . "fake grassroots organizations" . "manipulate the platform" . . "astroturfed" . "fake grassroots group" . "Secretly plant stories in the press" . "writing letters to newspapers under assumed names" . "political astroturfing" . . "front groups or organizations that criticize social movement activists and legitimize controversial corporate activities" . . "Astroturf" . "fake" . "inauthentic accounts" . "provide resources, connections, and sophisticated strategy" .