"Baby of the House of Representatives" . "youngest member of the legislative chamber" . "Baby of the House" . "youngest member of Congress" . . "Baby of the House of Commons" . "youngest member of the House of Commons" . "youngest member" . . . . "youngest ever female MP" . . "youngest Member of Parliament" . "became the youngest MP" . "\\\"Baby of the D\u00E1il\\\"" . "youngest ever" . "youngest" . "youngest MP at the time" . "youngest member of the New Zealand House of Representatives" . . "Baby of the House (Youngest MP)" . . "youngest MP" . . . "youngest sitting Member of Parliament" . "Baby of the United States Senate" . "Baby of the House" . "youngest sitting MP" . "Baby of the D\u00E1il" . "the youngest MP" . "Baby of the House#Ireland" . "Baby of the House#List of Babies of the House of Commons" . "youngest politician" . . "youngest member of the 24th D\u00E1il" . . . . . .