. "balancing the budget" . . . "balanced the budget" . "budget deficit" . "budget could be balanced" . "balanced federal budget" . . "balance the national budget" . "balanced budget" . "Balanced Federal Budget" . "balancing the federal budget" . . "balanced the national budget" . "budget" . "fiscal discipline" . . . "budget-balancing" . . . "balanced Federal budget" . "fiscal responsibility" . "Balanced budget" . "balanced-budget" . "fiscally conservative" . "Balanced budget" . "balanced budgets" . . "Budget needed to be balanced" . "Balanced budget#Balanced budget multiplier" . "Fiscal responsibility" . "balancing of budgets" . "balanced" . "balance" . "balanced fiscal policies" . . "balancing of the budget" . "budget surplus" . . . "balancing the national budget" . . . . "budget balances" . "fiscally responsible" . "balanced state budget" . "balance revenue and expenditure" . "keeping income and expenditure on the same level" . "Balancing budgets" . "surplus" . "budget surpluses" . "under control" . . "budget balancing" . . . . "balance the budget" . . . "Fiscal Responsibility" .