"constitutional amendment to keep the state from spending more than it collects in taxes" . . . "control" . . . "federal balanced budget amendment" . "balanced budget amendment to the Constitution" . "Require a balanced budget" . "balancing budgets" . . "amendment to require a balanced federal budget" . . . . "Balanced budget amendment" . "Golden Rule" . "balanced budget rules" . . "balanced budget amendment" . "constitutional changes demanding balance budgets" . "amendment" . . "federal budget" . "balanced federal budget" . . "balanced-budget amendment" . "Debt Brake" . . "Balanced Budget Amendment" . . "constitutional commitment to any deficit targets" . "balanced budget constitutional amendment" . "Balanced budget amendment" . "balanced budget" . "balanced budget framework law" . "Constitutional balanced budget amendment" . "constitutional amendment to ensure a balanced federal budget" . "constitutional amendment" .