"United Kingdom" . . "*" . "4aircraft" . "2steamers" . . "unknownshore batteries" . "No human losses" . "* The sunken Belgian steamer Alexandre del Commune was later refloated and assigned to the British flotilla as HMS Vengeur." . . . "Belgium" . "sunk in a battle" . "1 steamer" . . "* The German steamer Kingani was captured and assigned to the British flotilla as HMS Fifi." . . . "1ferry" . "Belgian:" . . "1whaler" . "1 steamer sunk" . . "1 armed boat damaged" . "1915-12-26" . . "Belgian:" . . . . "1fort" . . "1armed barge" . . "British:" . "Lake Tanganyika" . "series of engagements" . . . . "win control of the lake" . "unknown shore batteries" . "Allied victory" . . . "3armed boats" . "Battle for Lake Tanganyika" . . . "Battle for Lake Tanganyika" . . "2 steamers" . "*German East Africa" . . "British naval expedition to Lake Tanganyika" . . . "unknowndhows" . . "British:" . "1 armed boat" . .