. "\u00C9owyn's battle" . "Khand" . "Battle of the Pelennor Fields#Background" . "Less than 3,000 South Gondorians and men from outlying provinces" . "Mordor" . "in battle" . "Several hundred oliphaunts andtrolls" . "Survives" . "6,000 Rohirrim cavalry soldiers" . "Battle of the Pelennor Fields" . "Battle_of_the_Pelennor_Fields" . "~3,000 killed" . "3019-03-15" . "Battle of the Pelennor" . "Battle of the Pelennor Fields#The battle" . "Gondor-Rohanvictory" . "Rohan" . . "battle of the Pelennor Fields" . . "The Grey Company" . . . . . "Gondor" . "Total ~12,500" . "Harad" . . . . . . . . "3,000 Gondorians" . "Pelennor Fields" . "Tens of thousands of Orcs, Easterlings, Haradrim and Variags" . . "500 Guards of the Citadel" . . "Rhun" . "ensuing battle" . "Battle of the Pelennor Fields" . "assault the city" . "30 NorthernDunedain" .