. "The Baudin expedition" . "The Baudin Expedition" . "Baudin's expedition" . "expedition to Australian waters" . "French expedition" . "Baudin voyage" . "scientific expedition to Australia" . "same expedition" . "Geographe expeditions of 1801 and 1803" . "Baudin\u2019s expedition" . "Baudin's expedition to Australia" . . "Pacific Ocean" . "In the African Oceans" . "voyage to Australia" . "expedition" . "Baudin expedition" . "Baudin expedition to Australia" . "survey mission in 1802" . "French expedition to Australia" . "Baudin expedition of 1800-03" . "Baudin Expedition" . "Nicolas Baudin's expedition" . "Nicholas Baudin's" . "voyage" . "Baudin expedition to Australia" . "French voyage of exploration" . "scientific expedition" . "expedition to the South Seas" . "French explorers" . "expedition to Australia of 1800 to 1803" . . "expedition to Australia" . "Baudin expedition of 1800\u201303" . .