"Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Zulu (South Africa)" . . "Lugandan Bible translation" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Oromo (Ethiopia)" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Swahili (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania)" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Malagasy (Madagascar)" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Sechwana" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Sotho (South Africa)" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Bemba / Cibemba (Zambia)" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Oshindonga (Namibia)" . . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Yoruba (Nigeria)" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Xhosa (South Africa)" . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Otjiherero (Namibia)" . . . . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa" . . . "Bible translations into the languages of Africa#Igbo (Nigeria)" .