"fall from grace" . . . "indigenous movements in Bolivia" . . "popular uprisings" . "nationalisation of the Bolivian energy sector" . . . . "2003 Gas War" . . . "2005 political crisis" . "Bolivian gas conflict" . "Bolivian Gas War" . "2003 gas conflict" . . "2003 protests" . . "opposition to exporting gas" . "conflicts that took place in Bolivia during October 2003" . . . "Significant social conflicts" . . . "Bolivian gas conflict" . . . . . . "2003" . "Bolivian Gas Conflict" . . . "natural gas" . "\\\"Gas War\\\"." . "significant social conflicts" . . . "October 2003 gas conflict" . "gas conflict" . "re-nationalize Bolivian hydrocarbon assets" .