"aggravated burglary" . . "burgle" . "old-fashioned way" . "Attempted burglary" . "tools necessary to execute the crime or crimes" . "first-degree residential burglary" . "Third degree burglary" . . "breaking shops" . . "housebreaking" . . "break into" . . "First degree burglary" . "burglary" . "Armed burglary" . "Commercial burglary" . . "rob the mansion" . "Burglary#Historical definition" . "breaking" . "breakins" . . "cat burglar" . . "Burglary" . . "armed burglary" . . "breaking into homes" . "illegally entered" . "Housebreaking" . "burglary protection" . . "broken into" . . . . "burglarizing" . . "burgles" . "breaking into houses" . "house burglary" . . . . "steal back the stamp album" . "Burglary of a motor vehicle" . "attempted burglary" . . "broken into and ransacked" . . "breaking and entering" . "burglars" . . "Break and enter" . "broke into her house" . . "Second degree burglary" . "Burglary while in possession of a firearm" . "burglarize" . . "burgling" . "b&e" . . "commercial burglary" . "Aggravated burglary" . "Attempted second degree burglary" . "Burglary" . "Breaking and entering" . "breaking into" . . . . . . . . . "break-in" . "burglarized" . "burgled" . "Unlawful entry with intent" . "Burglary of a habitat" . "burglar" . "Domestic theft" . "Attempted third degree burglary" . "break-ins" . "break" . "break in" . . . "broke into dwellings" . . "theft by housebreaking" . . "first-degree burglary" . "break and enter" . . "burglaries" .