"Second Bulgarian Empire" . "Byzantine Empire" . . . "war of 894\u2013896" . . . . . . "outbreak of war" . . "provoked a war" . "Byzantine\u2013Bulgarian War" . "Magyars" . . "at war" . "Bulgarian Empire" . . "Unknown" . . . "Treaty of 896" . "894\u2013896 war" . . "ongoing war between the two states" . "declared war" . . "War of 894\u2013896" . . "Pechenegs" . . "attack Byzantium" . "Bulgaria, 894\u2013896 war with" . "*East Roman Empirepays annual tax tribute to Bulgaria" . "war broke out" . "* Bulgaria's status as most dominant Eastern European nation retained" . "Bulgarian victory" . "conflict arose" . "Byzantine\u2013Bulgarian war of 894\u2013896" . . . "First Bulgarian Empire" . . . "Byzantine\u2013Bulgarian war of 894\u2013896" . ":Byzantine\u2013Bulgarian war of 894\u2013896" . . . "Byzantine \u2013 Bulgarian War" . . "war" . . "* Bulgaria's status asmost favoured nationrestored" . . "Unknown" . "War with Bulgaria" . "Byzantine Empire, 894\u2013896 war with" . .