"cane" . "six strokes of the cane" . "6 strokes of the cane" . . "practice in Singapore" . "caning sentence" . . "caned 6 strokes" . "canes" . "public caning" . "15 strokes of the cane" . "corporal punishment" . "caning as a punishment" . . "caning of 24 strokes" . "Caning in Singapore" . "24 strokes of the cane" . "caning on the bare buttocks" . . . . "school corporal punishment" . "corporal" . . "12 strokes of the cane" . "the cane" . "strokes of the cane" . "judicial caning" . "caned" . "Singapore" . "including Singapore" . "Caning in Singapore" . "Military caning in Singapore" . . "caning" . .