. "caned Senator Charles Sumner" . . "brutally beat Sumner on the Senate floor" . "caning" . "nearly killed Sumner" . "the caning of Senator Charles Sumner" . "the 1856 caning" . "cane on the floor of the Senate" . "Charles Sumner" . . "attack on Sumner" . "brutally assaulted in the Senate chamber" . "attacked" . "caning of abolitionist senator Charles Sumner" . . "was assaulted and nearly killed" . . "Sumner was severely injured in an attack in Congress" . "violently assaulted" . "Sumner-Brooks Affair" . "his attack" . "nearly beat Sumner to death" . "beat Sumner with a cane" . "The Caning of Sumner" . . "attack on Republican Senator Charles Sumner" . "caning of abolitionist Charles Sumner" . "caned and seriously injured Massachusetts Senator and abolitionist Charles Sumner" . . "Sumner was beaten almost to death" . "beat Sumner nearly to death with a cane" . "Caning of Charles Sumner" . "beat abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner with a cane" . . "severely beats" . "caning of Senator Charles Sumner" . "assault" . "assaulted Sumner with a cane" . "the beating by Brooks" . "caning of Charles Sumner" . "severely beat" . . "attacked and seriously injured Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner" . "assault on Senator Sumner" . "he was beaten unconscious" . "severe attack" . "used his cane" . "beating him with a cane" . . "whose beating" . "caning of" . . . "this incident" . ":Caning of Charles Sumner" . "beaten for his staunch abolitionist views" . "Caning of Charles Sumner" . "caned and seriously injured" . . "Preston Brooks beats Charles Sumner" . "beaten Charles Sumner unconscious" . "with a cane" .