"car bombing attacks" . . "car with a bomb" . "the bomb in it" . "bomb attack" . "cars filled with explosives" . . . . "bombed" . "vehicle-borne improvised explosive" . . "suicide bombings" . "under car booby trap" . . "explosive-laden car." . "car bombings" . "Car bomb#Suicide usage" . "Motorcycle bomb" . . "car-bombing" . . "truck bombs" . "Van bomb" . "bomb-laden truck" . "truck bombing" . "van bomb" . "in a lorry" . "Planted bomb" . . . . . "Bike bomb" . "car bombing" . . "Car bomb" . "car filled with explosives" . . "vehicle bombs" . "vehicular suicide bombers" . . "SVBIEDs" . "explosive-laden" . "Car Bomb" . "car and truck bombs" . "motorcycle bomb" . "Truck bombs" . . "car-bomb" . "suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device" . "truck bomber" . "vehicle-borne IED" . "bomb under his car" . "bomb" . "explosives-packed motorcycle" . "List of assassinations by car bombing" . "VBIEDs" . "explosive device" . . "truck laden with explosives" . . "in a car" . "Bus bombing" . . . "Loyalist car bomb" . "car bombs" . "VIBED" . "vehicle bomb" . . . "car-bombs" . "vehicle-borne improvised explosive device" . "bomb-laden van" . "Suicide Car Bombing" . "motorcycle-bomb" . . "bombs" . "car bomb attack" . "vehicle borne improvised explosive devices" . "VBIED" . "van bombing" . "vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs)" . "Truck bombing" . "attached to cars" . "a bomb under his car exploded" . "explosive-laden car" . "car bomb attacks" . "Car Bombing" . . "car-bomber" . "suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices" . "truck bombings" . "vehicle-borne bomb" . "Suicide car bombings" . "bomb-laden cars" . . "truck" . "carbombs" . "Car bombing" . . "explosives-rigged vehicle" . . . "truck bomb" . "bus bombings" . . "SVBIED" . "bomber" . . "Truck bomb" . "car exploded" . . "suicide car bombings" . "blow up" . "vehicle bombings" . "is equipped with explosives, in a plan to kill them and El-Akkad in the same attempt" . "vehicle-borne suicide bomber" . . "explosion" . "car bomb" . "Car bomb" .