. "Basic checkmates" . "Checkmating" . "Stamma's mate" . . "mates" . . . . "Checkmate" . . . "#" . "eliminate from a game" . . "check-mate" . "king and two bishops of opposite colour against a king" . "Checkmate#Basic checkmates" . . "Mates" . "King and two bishops" . "king and queen against a king" . "checkmate with two bishops" . "checkmate" . "Checkmate#History" . . . "basic checkmate" . "Checkmate" . "Checkmate#Stamma's mate" . "two knights are insufficient to force checkmate" . "king and rook against a king" . "check" . "basic checkmates" . . . "Checkmate#Two bishops" . "\\\"Jaque al Rey\\\" (''\\\"Checkmate\\\"'')" . "classic stalemate" . "basic mates" . . . . "mate" . "king and rook versus king" . "the winning move" . "elementary checkmate" . "checkmated" . "Checkmate#Two major pieces" . "mated" . "checkmating" . . "mating" . "Check, and mate" .