"Soviet Master" . "titles" . "Chess title#Master" . "master chess" . "Grandmaster" . "chess national master" . . "FIDE Master for Chess Compositions" . . "International Solving Grandmaster" . "Chess title#National titles" . "International Master of the FIDE for Chess Compositions" . "master" . "Class B" . "Chess title" . "Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Compositions" . "ranked" . "FIDE Solving Master" . "International Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Compositions" . "Master" . "life master" . "Chess title#Chess compositions" . . . "Chess title#Solvers" . "chessmaster" . "Chess title" . "International Judge for Chess Compositions" . "Expert" . "chess title" . "Life Master" . "US chess master" . "Chess title#United States" . "National Chess Master" . "United States Chess Federation title" . "chess master" . "national master" . "International Master" . "title" . "Master rating" . "titled" . . "chess masters" . "National Master" . "title norm" . "senior master" . .