"Chief Executive of the SAR" . . . . "Hong Kong Chief Executive's Council of International Advisers" . "Hong Kong chief executive" . . . "Chief Executive of the HKSAR" . . . "Chief executives" . . "Chief Executive of Hong Kong" . "chief executive of Hong Kong" . "executive" . "HK chief executive" . "Hong Kong Chief executive" . "CE" . "Chief executive of Hong Kong" . "Chief Executive-elect of Hong Kong" . "Chief Executive of HKSAR" . "chief executive" . "Hong Kong Chief Executive" . "head of the administration of Hong Kong" . . . "Office of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR" . "Chief Executive's" . . "Chief_Executive_of_Hong_Kong" . "Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" . . "Chief Executive of Hong Kong" . "Chief Executive" . "Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region" . "Chief Executive of Hong Kong" . . . "Chief Executives" . . "Chief executive" . . "Chief Executive Designate" . "Hong Kong's Chief Executive" . "chief Executive of Hong Kong" .