"Arctic is changing due to climate change" . "warming of the Arctic" . "Climate change in the Arctic" . . . "climate change has on the arctic" . "the Arctic Ocean will likely be occasionally sea-ice free in summers" . "and the Arctic" . "Arctic ice pack shrinks" . "Arctic" . "impact" . . "the Arctic" . "Arctic locations" . "Arctic warming" . "loss of the summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean" . "Arctic ice shrinkage" . "Arctic near-surface air temperature" . . "Arctic is warming four times faster than global warming" . "Melting Arctic sea ice" . "melting of Arctic sea ice" . "Arctic areas due to climate change" . "the melting of Arctic ice" . "global warming" . "current warming of the Arctic" . . "Arctic sea ice shrinkage" . . . "shrinkage of Arctic" . "Climate_change_in_the_Arctic#Social_impacts" . "climate change" . "Arctic climate change" . "been warming" . "Climate change is particularly impacting" . . "Climate change in the Arctic" . . "in Greenland" . . "changes to the Arctic climate" . "melting Arctic ice caps" . . "ice melting in the Arctic" . "lost" . "climate change in the Arctic" . "melting of the Arctic" . "changing temperature in the Arctic" . "shrinking" . . . "Climate Change in the Arctic" . "Arctic Ocean" . "changes in the Arctic" . "have disappeared" . .