"color feature film" . "colour motion picture" . . "IN" . . "color movies" . "color cinematography" . "Color motion pictures" . "two-color film" . "color film processes" . "motion picture" . "Color" . "color" . "Color film" . "color negative motion picture" . "(Monopack)" . "color films" . "cinematic effect of color" . . "colour positive print" . "color motion picture process" . "shot in color" . "monopack" . "in color" . "color film" . "Color filming" . "all-color feature" . "natural color" . "colour motion picture film" . "hand-painted colour" . "Color motion picture film" . "color motion pictures" . "colour motion picture process" . . "Colour motion picture film" . "colored with stencils" . "motion picture film" . "color motion picture" . . . "colour films" . "colour film" . "colors de-saturated" . "Color motion picture film" . "color motion picture film" . "hand-painting" . "color positive print for direct projection motion picture" . "Eastmancolor" . "shot in colour" . "colour" . "motion picture process" .