"common-law jurisdictions" . "Anglophone" . . "justice system" . . "precedent" . . "Law" . "common law jurisdictions" . "Common law#1870 through 20th century, and the procedural merger of law and equity" . . . . . . . . "uncodified" . "or common law" . "legal systems" . "one third of the global population" . "Common Law System" . "common law world" . . "common law rules" . "Common law subgroup" . "English Common Law" . . "common laws" . "common law" . . "old English common law" . "Common" . "Anglo-American law" . "administer" . "The Common Law" . "non-statutory law" . "''common law system''" . "Anglo-American Law" . . "British common law" . "Common-law precedent" . "English laws" . "civil" . "Common law family" . "law" . . "English common law" . . "based on common law" . "judicial rulings" . . "common law civil legal system" . . "unwritten law" . . . "British Common Law" . . "common law systems" . "Common law" . "case-made law" . . "adopt the body of English common law into the law of the state" . "Christian Common Law" . "principle of party presentation" . . "derived from it" . . . . . "Common Law" . "Anglo-American common law precepts" . "Customary Law" . "Anglo-Saxon subgroup (common law)" . . "common law legal systems" . "common law#Common law legal systems in the present day" . "common" . "academic writings" . "Common law" . "common rules of law" . "Common-law" . . "Anglo common law" . . . . . . "case law" . . . "common law (connotation 2)" . "communal" . . "By common custom and usage" . "countries" . "legal" . "common law system" . "common-law" . "merged" . "Common law#Propagation..." . . "common legal system" . "English group" . . "English law" . . "non-statutory law." . "traditional law" . "Anglo-American common law" . "English legal system" . "English Common law" . "contrast" . "case law decisions" .