. "particular church" . . "congregationally" . . "Congregationalist" . "congregational model of polity" . "Congregational polity" . "Congregational church" . "congregationally-governed" . "Congregationalist polity" . "congregationalists" . "Separatist" . "congregational independency" . "allowed local congregations greater say in their own affairs" . "Congregationalist polity" . "congregationally governed" . "based on the local congregation" . "autonomous nature" . . "Congregational" . "runs its own affairs" . "Congregational minister" . "congregational form of church government" . "deacon" . "congregational church" . "congregations" . "congregationalist polity" . . "Deacon" . . . "independent congregation" . "Congregational Church" . "Congregational churches" . "self government" . "congregational control" . "congregational church structure" . "Minister" . "Congregationalists" . "congregational autonomy" . "congregationalist in polity" . "individual church" . "independent communion" . "Congregational Polity" . "congregational church government" . "non-episcopal Churches" . "Congregational (parish independence) tendencies" . "congregation" . "congregationalist church government" . . "self-governance of local churches" . "congregational views" . "strict autonomy" . "autonomous congregations" . . . . . "local church autonomy" . "congregational" . "Congregational Christian Churches" . "congregationalist church" . "congregationalist" . . "congregational polity" . . "Congregational Christian" . "congregationalism" . "Congregationalism" .