"modifying" . "charter change" . "constitutional matters" . "Constitutional Reform" . "constitutional amendments" . "Constitutional amendments" . "practice" . "amended the Constitution" . "Amendment" . . "amending" . . . "amend a constitution" . "amendment" . "Constitutional amendment" . "Constitutional amendment#United States" . "constitutional ban" . "amended its constitution" . "Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No. 31" . "constitutional" . "constitutional reform" . "Constitution Amendment Bill" . "Constitutional amendment#State constitutions" . "amendment to the constitution" . "Constitutional amendment" . . "Charter Change" . "amendments to the constitution" . "amend" . "amendment procedures" . "amendment of the constitution" . "amendments to the Constitution" . "amendments" . "state constitutional amendment" . "Amendments" . . "constitutional amendment" . "those procedures apply to Article V itself" . "Constitutional Amendment" . "amended" . . "constitutional reforms" . "Constitutional revision" . "Amendment to the Constitution" . "amending the Constitution" .