"Professional hitman" . . "carry out a killing over a property dispute" . . "financial gain" . "she herself is the intended victim" . "contract killer" . "professional killers." . "hired killer" . . "contract murders" . "placed contracts" . "murder contract" . "for pay" . "for hire" . "put a contract on their lives" . "hitmen" . "pay him" . "contract killers." . "hitwomen" . "Contract killing" . . . . "taken care of" . "murder for hire" . . . . . . . . "solicitation of murder for hire" . . . "contract for murder" . "professional hitman" . . "hired assassins" . . "The hit" . . . . . . "greenlight" . . . . . "hit contractor" . . . . . . "contract kills" . "for killing someone" . "Mafia hitman" . "hiring assassins" . . . . . . . "hitlist" . "Conspiracy to Commit Murder-for-Hire" . . "hit job" . "sicario" . "Contracts" . . "kill contract" . . "Contract killer" . . "hitter" . "Contract killing" . . . "hit squad" . "contracting" . "assassinated" . "assassination" . "killing Crowley for her" . "contract assassin" . "hire him" . "ordering a mass murder" . "mob enforcer" . . "contract killing" . "triggerman" . "to kill her husband" . "a contract" . "hired two others" . "murder-for-hire" . "hit-man" . . . "hit list" . "Hitmen" . "sicarios" . "torpedoe" . . "hired" . . "hit" . . . "contracted" . . . "button man" . . . . "contract killers" . "enforcer" . . . "killer" . "planned murder" . "contract-killer" . "murder contracts" . "assassins" . . . . "hit men" . "professionals" . . "organized-crime \\\"hit\\\"" . "kill-for-hire" . "Contract on" . . . . "they had been hired" . . "offered" . "killing people" . "contract hits" . "professional hitmen" . "hired hit man" . . . . "hit girls" . . "paid hit job" . . . "professional assassin" . "contract murder" . . "placed a contract on him" . . "murders for hire" . . "hitmam" . . "assassinations" . "hired killers" . "contracts" . "assassination squad" . . . "have him killed" . "Contract killers" . "assassin" . "hit-woman" . . "hitwoman" . "green-lit" . "professional hit" . "contract for a murder" . "hire someone" . "hitman" . . "\\\"put a hit\\\"" . "mob hit" . . "contract killings" . "hires an assassin" . "blood money" . "murder-for-hire contract" . "''sicarios''" . . . "Hitman" . "hitlady" . "Offender committed the crime for financial gain" . "assassin for hire" . . . . . "whacked" . . "hits" . "contract" . . . . . . . . "button men" . . "target killer" . . "hit man" . . . . . . "contractor" . . "organized crime enforcer" . "killer for hire" . "placed on a hit list" . . "contracted hit" . "\\\"hitman services\\\"" . . "hired them to kill him" . . "commit murder for him" . . . . . . . . "hit woman" . . . "kill" . "tool" . . . . "ordering his execution" . . . . "powdered" .