. . . . . "Criticism of Islam#Immigrants" . "vocal criticism of the Islamic religion" . . "Polemics against Islam" . "anti-Islamic sentiments" . . . "Reliability of the Quran" . . "attacking Islam as untrue" . "anti-Islamism" . . "anti-Islam" . "Criticism of Islam#Morality" . . . . "critics of the Islamic religion" . "critical of Islam" . "criticism" . "criticism of Islam" . . "anti-Islamist" . "opposes Islam" . "criticising Islam" . "vocal condemnation of the Islamic religion" . "Islam's patriarchal values remain one of its most contested principles" . . "Opposition to Islam" . "slighting of Islam" . "critic" . . "Islam" . "critiques of Islam" . "anti-Muslim remarks" . . "denounce Islam" . "criticize Islam" . "criticized Islam" . . "critic of Islam" . "openly critical of Islam" . . . . "Enemies of Islam" . . "anti-Islam." . "critical" . "Anti-Islamic" . "criticizing Islam" . "anti-Muslim" . "criticizer of Islam" . . "Criticism" . "critic of political Islam" . "enemies of Islam" . "anti-Islamic" . . "Anti-Islamism" . . "Anti-Islam" . "outspoken critic of Islam" . "critics of Islam" . . . "Critical of Islamic influence" . "Criticism of Islam" . "Islam-critical" . . "Islam critic" . . "Criticism of Islam" . . "criticisms" . "anti-Islamic sentiment" . .